Winter Sticks and Cardigans


Finals are over, and I feel alive! It’s hard to believe I’m almost done with college and will be able to dedicate my whole heart and time to pursuing a career in fashion. I am back at my parent’s house for a few weeks and am excited to post more content and start working on some other projects I have up my sleeve! Today I collaborated with Britt Nicole’s boutique and am featuring this cozy ‘Wrap Me Up Cardigan’  in today’s outfit! Also everything in the store is 20% off this month using the code: “Christmas20”.

Also, if you have been keeping up with my fall and winter posts you can tell that I wear my brown ankle booties WAY TOO MUCH (oops) but I was shopping at Last Chance the other day (thrift version of Nordstrom Rack) and found these Sam Edelman booties in mint condition 40% off for $18! I obviously needed an upgrade and these were the perfect addition to my winter closet.



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Cardigan (Britt Nicole’s) | Tank (H&M) | Skirt (Forever 21) | Nylons (Walmart) | Socks (Amazon) | Boots (Sam Edelman) | Necklace and ring (Amazon) | Beanie (thrift) | Cuff (Charming Charlie)

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