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My oh my, am I excited for April. Yesterday on the blog I recapped my busy month of March (read it here) and today I’m talking about some of my new projects launching this month! I have a press feature in a print magazine (EEK!), I am featured in a podcast AND video series this month, I will be speaking at two universities, an influencer panel, and this week I am publishing my biggest sponsorship to date. Also, I have two fashion editorials I styled for Audree Kate Studios getting published this month.

I’m just sitting here pinching myself that this is all reality. I feel so honored to have the opportunity to talk about my businesses, my career story and share my life with you all on a daily basis. I have a feeling that things are just getting started and April is kicking off a busy rest of the year for me. Below I’m sharing more details about my upcoming press features and workshops/panels. Make sure to subscribe to the blog HERE so you can get regular email updates and newsletters! xo


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I’ve been pretty busy the past few weeks participating in interviews, podcasts and sponsorships, and I’m SO excited that April is finally here so I can share all of the news! First up, I was featured in the Luca Magazine Spring 2018 Issue! You can buy your copy HERE!



Next, I was interviewed for a podcast called #OwningIt! My friend Kayli, who is a total boss babe, started the podcast recently and I can’t wait to share the interview with you all! Stay tuned for April 17th!

Audree Kate Studios will be published twice this month for two different fashion editorials!! I’m still keeping the details under wraps until they go live, but I’ll make sure to share all the news on my styling Instagram page, HERE!

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Calling all boss babes—I’ve recently teamed up with 20 inspiring women for an interview series called Chic & Unstoppable: Secrets to Show Up as the Most Powerful Version of YOU —Feel Fabulous, Look Fabulous, and Take on the World— No Matter Your Size and Age!, a complimentary interview series by life coach Geneviève Pépin!

It just launched on April 2 and brings together many experts, including myself, to share our advice for feeling amazing from the inside out so you can show up as the powerful woman you are. The group is a range of successful authors, wellness coaches, artists, advocates for body positivity, stylists (that’s me!) and more amazing women who provide information regarding every facet of your life. I am honored to be surrounded by so many empowering women, and I can’t wait for you to see our latest creation. Below is more about the amazing Chic and Unstoppable program, and make sure to mark your calendar because my interview will be going live on April 17th! Reserve your spot now, at no cost: HERE

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More Info:
What would it feel like to wake up every day with confidence, power, and a fire that is burning so bright that you feel like a million bucks?? What would be possible in your life if you felt unstoppable in everything you do?? 
Feeling confident and powerful has very little to do with what happens to us. It has everything to do with what happens within us. You know, being unstoppable doesn’t mean to never come across any obstacles. It means knowing that no matter what comes your way, you’ll be able to deal with it. That, in my opinion, is pure freedom! Imagine the time and energy you would save if you created the habits and behaviors that propel you forward instead of keeping you small and stuck?
That IS possible! And that’s why I’d like to invite you to Chic & Unstoppable: Secrets to Show Up as the Most Powerful Version of YOU.
When you go to the link HERE and join us for this series of life-changing conversations, you’ll discover that personal power and success are an inside job—and that you already have within you everything you need to make yourself feel confident and powerful. In addition to mindset shifts and life hacks designed to empower you to regain your confidence, we’ll also share style and fashion tips designed to make the real you shine through—from the inside
Specifically, you’ll learn:
• Strategies to revolutionize your relationship with yourself, so you can finally discover and move past whatever is holding you back.
• How to rewire your brain—so you can focus on what serves you and move faster toward your goals.
• How to feel great in the skin you’re in, no matter your size and age, so you can reconnect with your innate body wisdom, and “own it”!
• How personal style affects your life—and how to make it work for you so you show up with confidence in everything you do.
• And so much more!
In short, this is for you if you know there is so much more in this life for you, and you’re ready to claim it by showing up as the powerful woman you are—without compromising on who you are. Geneviève is the perfect person to host this summit; she struggled with confidence and body image issues until she realized she was giving the power to others to define who she was, and to decide whether she was doing “the right thing,” if she was beautiful, or good enough.
She knows what it’s like to feel trapped in a box, wishing to look like or be someone else—and she also knows what it’s like to reclaim your personal power by changing the way you see yourself and the world around you. I can’t wait to share my advice during this interview series, and I also plan to attend as a viewer. I hope you will, too, so you can discover that you really do have the power to make life exactly what you want it to be.


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I’m wrapping up the school year by hosting my personal branding workshop at two more universities this month. This week I’ll be speaking at Arizona State University—I spoke at the W. P. Carey School of Business in October, but this time I’ll be speaking at Walter Cronkite School of Journalism! I graduated with degrees from both the business and journalism colleges, so I’m really excited to be speaking there again this week.

Also, at the end of the month I’ll be hosting my workshop at Fashion Institute of Technology! A special thanks goes out to the Baker Scholars of the Jay and Patty Baker school of Business and Technology, who will be hosting the event. This past year I hosted close to 10 college workshops, and I feel so honored and humbled to be ending the school year with FIT! 

On April 26th I’ll be on an influencer panel here in NYC, so I’ll make sure to post more details this month—I’ love for any locals to attend!

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