
Personally, thrift stores are one of my weaknesses. Although most people would never step a foot in a thrift store, I always walk out with a smile on my face and money still in my pocket. Now don’t get me wrong… I love to shop at the malls or boutiques but dropping hundreds of dollars on a wardrobe is not plausible in my mind. With shopping from clearance racks and second-hand, I have been able to multiply my wardrobe by a great amout at a very minimal price. Now for all you designer fiends, don’t misinterpret my consignment quirk for looking unfashionable or cheap- I will never buy something that I don’t think I can make something into ‘Audree Acceptable’. Sometimes thrift stores are a miss, I leave thinking.. “gross why would anyone buy this crap” but sometimes there are little angels singing “hallelujah” when I score a sweet outfit.

Secondhand shopping has become more and more popular through the years. Consignment shops are more common since the items are only slightly used and the stores are nicer. For example, Buffalo Exchange, Nordstrom Rack, Last Chance, My Sister’s Closet, etc (if you haven’t checked out these places I would highly recommend it! They are awesome)  but thrift stores can be different; most of the time they are like Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. My favorite in my hometown is DAV (Disabled American Veterans). All the kids in my high school would shop there for spirit days or halloween costumes and eventually I actually started finding everyday clothes there. Some of my best finds there have been my business blazers, pencil skirts, and high waisted jean shorts. 
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This week I went to the DAV twice and left with over 20 items for $5.50- can you beat that?! Please keep around as I post pictures of my DIYs this week of thrifting finds!
xo Audree

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