The Year of Joy: Welcome to 2023!

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Hi friend, I’ve missed you! It’s honestly been way too long since I’ve sat down and written a blog post. I started Simply Audree Kate in 2012 and at one point I was blogging almost every single day. This blog has been my diary and a creative outlet for a decade and it was my favorite way to personally connect with you. It’s hard to imagine that I only wrote one blog post in 2022—celebrating a decade of Simply Audree Kate!.

I’m sure a lot of you feel this way, but the past three years have been an emotional rollercoaster and some of the hardest years of my life. My entire business and career changed with Covid, I went from a team of almost 10 people to just me and my tripod, and I went from working as a full-time celebrity / fashion stylist to now a full-time content creator and fashion expert. Although there have been some great changes and happy moments, I’ve also dealt with some personal challenges that mentally kept me from showing up on the blog and social media. After a needed break, I’m back and I am SO excited for 2023!

Every year I sit down and reflect what I want my year to look like. I write down goals, intentions, I create a vision board but my favorite part of this ritual is selecting a word as my overarching theme for the year. In the past it’s been Create, Balance, Power, Manifest and Saying ‘No’ (one of my favorites) but this year I am focusing on Joy. 

I am focused on habits and routines that bring me daily joy, outfits, work projects, friends, books, etc. that all bring me joy. If it’s not a full body HELL YES, it’s a no. 

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This year I added a section to my 2023 Goals and Intentions list; it’s a list of 5 small daily non-negotiable habits I want to accomplish. These routines have improved my mental health, my focus, and has set me up for success each day so I am focusing on turning these routines into daily habits.

  1. Morning & Night Routines
    • Last year I started this habit and it’s a great way to sandwich my day. I make sure to make my bed, do skincare, brush my teeth/floss, journal, take vitamins, etc.
  2. Daily Movement
    • I want to prioritize daily movement, whether it’s a 10 minute walk outside, stretching or a workout class.
  3. Read
    • Last year I started reading (for fun) for the first time in probably 10 years and I read over 30 books through Audible! My goal is continue listening to books, reading articles and physical books this year.
  4. Post on social media
    • The past couple of years I have gone in waves in showing up on social media and the blog and I want to show up consistently and authentically everyday. I want to create consistent content, show on up Instagram stories and even post on the blog each week!
  5. Get Ready
    • Working from home has affected everyone’s wardrobe and I want to make sure I’m getting ready to some extent each day. I have gotten in a rut of leggings and sweatshirts so I want to spend a little time each morning for myself to get ready and play with my wardrobe–I know this will positively impact my mood and also help me feel more confident in showing up on social media each day.

Are you into New Year’s Resolutions, goals, intentions or choosing a ‘Word of the Year’? I would love to hear from you and make sure you connect with me on Instagram and TikTok for daily content!

Also going forward, if I have a link to the exact outfit item, it will be at the top of the widget list or hyperlinked in the outfit credits. If unavailable, thrifted or old—I will share similar items! xx


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xo Audree Kate


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