The Return of the Jean Skirt


I know what you’re thinking… didn’t you just cut your hair? True – and I had this outfit stuck on my camera and was only able to save a few so this post is long overdue but I wanted to share this adorable outfit asap without having to reshoot it! Now that that is off my chest, let’s talk about this outfit and how I found both the top and skirt for $4 each!

I was thrifting a few weeks ago at Savers on a woman-hunt for a jean skirt. I will be the first to admit that was not pro-jean skirt when they resurfaced the runways this last year. I have horrible flashbacks of trying on jean mini skirts in middle school, and they all looked SO wrong because they would flare out under my butt (I know I can’t be the only one with too big of a booty for Hollister mini skirts…ammiright?) Well, thankfully this trend updated and I’ve seen a bigger push for the pencil skirt option or longer cuts than those horrid mini skirts, and I decided to test out the trend. I found this skirt for $4 and it’s been one of the best cuts I’ve seen! The high waist is slimming and the vertical cuts in the skirt add dimension to my curvy figure to draw the eye in and down my body instead of focusing on the emphasis on my hips and butt. Also the dark wash is naturally slimming! And on top, the dramatic sleeves also draw the eyes inward/down the body for a perfect balance. The sleeves also really dress up these simple pieces don’t you think? (from Dresslink -$4.37)

Another styling tip for you when you’re buying dresses or skirts (thanks to Clinton from What Not To Wear) it should hit right above or right below your knee. No skirt/dress should hit in the middle of your knee – it cuts off your body or looks like you bought a wrong size. Now I understand midis are in-trend, and I’m definitely pro-midi, but this rule applies to pencil skirts, business dresses, etc.  Well I hope you enjoy this outfit and I’ll jump back into my vacation outfits next week!


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Shirt (c/o Dresslink) | Skirt (Savers) | Heels (c/o Pitaya) | Purse (Dooney & Bourke – Salvation Army) | Scarf (thrift) | Sunglasses (Target) | Necklace (Salvation Army) | Cuff (Rachel Zoe)





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