Swap Tempe

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This past Sunday, I had the amazing opportunity to participate in the first annual SWAP Tempe. If you haven’t heard of  the clothing swaps that have been happening in the Phoenix area the past couple years- you are missing out! Fellow colleague and fashionista, Chloe Bosmeny hosted the clothing swap at her house and over 60 people attended that day to shop, win raffles and participate in the DIY booths hosted by yours truly and Lindsay Vikar from Couture in the Suburbs (If you haven’t seen her blog, go check it out- It’s adorable!).

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Now to explain what a clothing swap is to those who don’t know- It is a gathering for people where they can donate up to ten items of gently used clothing and accessories and then swap with the same amount of clothing items they brought. The left over goods are donated to the International Rescue Committee. Swap Tempe ended up with 15 left over bags that they donated!
I was so excited to host a DIY booth this year! I decided to relive the turban headband DIY tutorial from a couple months ago and it was a success! I picked up a bunch of shirts from Goodwill and had a handful of others donated and just cut 2 inch stripes of the shirts for guests. 
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Here are some attendees with their awesome new turban headbands!
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At Couture in the Suburbs‘ booth they did cute twist ribbon bracelets- they are super easy and a cute addition to any arm candy collection. 
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 Lindsay Viker and Cassie Goers from the Couture In The Suburbs DIY booth even stopped by to make a turban headband
Shoptiques also had a booth by us and they hosted a raffle of their ridiculously cute swimwear and clothing items. 
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Rebecca and Ariel Shemesh working the raffle for the new season’s bathing suits
Don’t forget to ‘like’ Clothing Swap on Facebook so you can attend the next swap!
Audree Kate

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