Style File: Brittany Lawrence

Meet Brittany.

Retail queen, Cali corespondent and contributing writer, get to know Miss Lawrence!


Name: Brittany Lawrence

Nickname: Britt

Major & Year in School: English major, graduated in May 2012; current grad student in the credential and masters programs

Campus Involvement: Sigma Kappa Sorority

Employment/Internships: Citiwear (sales associate), Hollywood Tans (tanning sales associate), Angels Baseball Strike Force member, Abercrombie and Fitch (assistant manager), Gstage (assistant manager)

Why you want to be a contributing writer on Simply Audree Kate: I want to be a contributing writer on Simply Audree Kate so that I can share my fashion ideas and advice with everyone. Everyone has their own unique style and I want to help people find that.


Your style icon(s): Lauren Conrad

What is your personal style: My personal style is rogue. Not only do i love to dress super girly, but I also like to go rocker, or hipster, or anything else that I like. If I like the outfit, not matter what style it is I will wear it.

Clothing item I can’t live without is: a blazer

Favorite beauty item: My favorite beauty item is lipstick, I have started a collection because I want every color!

Biggest Celeb Crush: My biggest celeb crush is Chris Evans, I love me some Captain America!

Every women should own: a perfectly fitting pair of skinny jeans


Fashion trend that should have never happened: I am sorry but I cannot stand Harem Pants.

Best accessory for an outfit: Statement necklace

Shopping style: I have a serious shopping addiction but I never shop at expensive stores unless its purses or sometimes shoes. I like the stores where I can get everything I want at under $20 an item.

Interesting fact: An interesting fact about me is that I am about to start my 8th year working in retail!

I am so excited to introduce Brittany! Make sure to look out for her retail, beauty and style tips! She’s a superstar!

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    • Audree Kate
      July 15, 2019 / 11:32 am

      Thank you for supporting SAK!

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