Phoenix Fashion Week Announces the Top 40 Models of 2013

There are many aspects behind a runway show to make it successful, and models are one of those key factors! On July 11, Phoenix Fashion Week announced the Top 40 male and female models who will be walking in the October showcase.

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These talented and stunning models were chosen from the casting call in June. Some seasoned veterans and some fresh faces, but all ready to rise to the challenge. Toni&Guy and No7 Cosmetics helped each model put their best foot forward on the runway with complete makeovers a couple weeks prior to the announcement. If you didn’t see the coverage of the event yet by Team SAK –> Check it out!

The atmosphere was full with excitement as bloggers, model’s friends and family, the emerging designers for PHXFW, and local fashion lovers gathered at The Mint to see which two models won the first challenge: The Headshot Challenge.

I was glad to have my trustee sidekick, Kelly B. to come to the event with me! We had so much fun!




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Lindsay Viker and Katrina Jarrett from Couture in the Suburbs

The Top 40 Models for 2013

Ariah Evans
Ashley Nicole
Bianca Mead
Carly Callaghan
Christina Barron
Eddene Depass
Emilie Thomas
Emily Villaverde
Ghazaleh Farhang
Jessica Reed
Jessica Seeger
Kimberly Gould
Kirsten Garber
Lexi Hart
MacKenzie Hale
Madison Farrell
Malloy Sells
Maritza Luna
Maureen Montagne
Mia Pejloras
Michelle Cantor
Nash Vidrio
Sami Vedula
Saydi Kelly
Sydney Pisciotta
Sydney Rounsaville
Tiffany Tabar
Whitney Nelson

Brandon Short
Troy Chalfant
Aneas Cleveland
Denis Danicic
Erick Acuna
Nico LaBarbera
Gavin Tucker
Kyle Benson
Giovanny Lopez
Lamark Bell

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Each model was individually announced on the runway and then, the winners of the headshot challenge were announced. The top four finalists for female were: Saydi Kelly, Ariah Evans, Sydney Rounsaville and Christina Barron and the top two male finalists were: Denis Danicic and Giovanny Lopez.

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The winners were:Denis and Sydney!! Congrats!

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The Model Announcement went great! I’m extremely excited to see how the models will evolve during the process and it will be interesting to see who comes out on top at the end of this journey. So watch out Denis and Sydney, you have some tough competition on your runway!

To check out all the models’ headshots, visit PHXFW FB page!

Thank you once again Phoenix FashionWeek for yet another memorable event!

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xoxo Audree Kate

photos: Mikel Photos


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