My Favorite Budget-Friendly Skin Care Products

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If you’ve been following me this summer, you know I’ve been busy, and my skin has been through the ringer to say the least. Due to travel, crazy work schedules, stress and summer weather, my skin freaked out a little. So Team SAK did some research and found the best, and our favorite skincare products on a budget. See below! xo


The backbone to any great skincare regime is the cleanser. A good cleanser takes off your makeup, removes dirt and does it’s job. Below are my top 5 cleaners and peep they are all under $20!


After removing all makeup and other impurities a good moisturizer is essential! Your moisturizer should hydrate your skin and leave it feeling light without clogging your pores. I usually look for one that also has SPF in it! Check out my top 5 budget friendly moisturizers below!


If you feel like splurging a little add a toner to your skincare routine! Toners add hydration to your skin and remove dead skin from it. A toner should be used directly after cleansing and before moisturizing. Check out my favorites below:

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