Man Crush Monday

I’m a daddy’s girl. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl.


Despite the resistance to be “too cool” for my parents, deep down I know that they are core reason I am standing (or literally sitting in front of my computer) with a strong backbone, a sense of class and modesty and an large amount of stubbornness and drive.

This Monday is in celebration of the man who I think is a real stud. Some call him Frank, family calls him Frankie and I call him Papa. My father is undeniably one of the most important influences in my life and now I get to even call him my stylish dad with his new matching specs.

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My dad finally made the transition from rimless “old man” frames to these stylish tortoise frames with a little help from yours truly. Glasses don’t have to be your enemy anymore! Find a pair that works well with your face and funky character. Personally, small frames don’t sit well on my face and enlarge my features so I always go for larger frames to put the focus on eyes instead!

These frames are my favorite because they can go well for both male or female and vary in shades and sizes.


Sorry ladies, this man is taken but spruce up your own man’s or dad’s style with some fresh new specs!
*They are Frank approved



Leave a comment

  1. October 7, 2013 / 9:55 pm

    Love this post. You are very wise beyond your years my dear. I had so much fun with you last week and we must get together again asap!!!


    • October 9, 2013 / 10:39 pm

      Thank you chica! Yes ChopShop round 2 soon?! I want to talk to you about a fashion show I’m planning with my club 🙂

  2. October 9, 2013 / 5:02 pm

    Perfectly adorable pics and more proof that everyone enjoys being just a little more stylish! Love the new specs, very debonaire!

    • October 9, 2013 / 10:40 pm

      Thank you!! So great seeing you at Fashion Week!<3

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