Lace Trim Jean Shorts

If you are a Pinterest fanatic like I am, you have definitely seen the craze about lace trim on jean shorts! It is an easy DIY and I decided to check it out when I recently needed a quick fix on a pair of shorts that were too short, ripped and just didn’t fit right anymore. Instead of tossing them, I bought some white lace ruffle trim at Walmart for a couple bucks and sewed them to the edge of my shorts for some extra length and then patched up a hole by sewing a piece of white fabric underneath. It was super easy and now I feel like I have a brand new pair of shorts that I would of easily paid a lot of money for.

I have been in New York for the past week and haven’t had much time to post but, no worries, I’ve been taking lots of pictures for fashion lessons and scoping out the hottest fashions in the big city. Can’t wait to post more this coming week! So until then, check out my photo tutorial on Facebook, and please follow my Pinterest and re-pin my ‘Simply Audree’ photos 🙂

xo Audree Kate

here are a couple pics of me wearing the shorts while in New York
(and yes I know I’m wearing the same floral top from my color blocking lesson… don’t judge)

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 My adorable friend Ali and myself in Central Park

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Times Square!!


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