Happy Friday! Yesterday on the blog I celebrated 5 years of Simply Audree Kate (see my recap here) and for today’s Friday Favorite post, I wanted to share my favorite looks from the blog! When I first decided to do this post, I thought to myself, “How the heck am I going to pick out my favorite outfits from the past five years?!” When I scrolled through my Simply Audree Kate Facebook timeline, it was actually easier than I thought! My favorite outfits all ended up being from a special moment in my life – most of them were celebratory of a career or blog milestone, and I can’t wait to give you a look at some of my favorite outfits from the past 5 years. Do you have any that are your favorite? I’d love to hear from you in the comments! xo
Street Chic
I had just turned 21 in this photo, just finished my 365 Day Challenge (read more here) and was finally learning more about my personal style and how I defined myself. I went from fairly preppy/girly in high school and the beginning of college, to dressing the way I wanted. I think this look was the beginning of what SAK is today – A little girly, a little grunge and a whole lot of extra.
2nd Blog-A-Versary
AHH I was a baby! I was in New York City for my big summer magazine internship at Redbook (see more here) and was so excited to celebrate my two years – little did I know I would even make it to 5 years! I wore this jumpsuit from H&M for the photoshoot with a friend in Soho and on the Brooklyn Bridge. This shoot inspired my shoot location for my 5-year yesterday!
Senior Photos Part 1
Looking back on these photos make me miss my red, and copper hair. I was just about to graduate college, I was extremely sleep deprived, still wondering if I would end up moving to NYC and so ready for the next chapter in my life. I was able to do my senior photos with my dear photographer friend Brooke Marcella – who also photographed my sister’s bachelorette party and my recent AZ Hotel Diaries.
Fries Before Guys / I Donut Care
If someone were to ask me what my favorite photoshoot I’ve done for SAK, it would be my food series. I wanted to do something fun with my college roommate, who had been my sounding board and #1 fan for SAK. We were about to graduate, I had accumulated these random food shirts, and thought this was the perfect shoot. We also did an ice cream shoot you can see here.
This post makes me so proud – I remember my first day in New York like it was yesterday. I was overwhelmed, unemployed, broke and second guessing everything I had worked towards the past four years leading up to that point. I had been in New York for about 10 days when I wrote this post and I love looking back and seeing that I, a small-town girl, made the best, and scariest decision of my life.
The Layered Dress Effect
This was my first (real) New York Fashion Week! During Fall 2015 when I moved to NYC and was freelancing with Glamour I worked behind the scenes and didn’t have the opportunity to really attend any shows. Fast forward to February, I attended shows every day for my fashion director at Redbook, and shows and events for SAK. It was a monumental experience for me and I really felt like I had finally “made it” to New York and the fashion industry.
The Tiered Midi Skirt
This skirt was one of the first designer pieces I ever owned. I thrifted this Creatures of Comfort skirt from the The Real Real and I just left my job at Redbook. I was about to embark on freelance life and this point in my life was a very great learning experience.
Creating Audree
This was my first post that I feel like was completely unfiltered and I talked openly about my life. I had just left my career in magazines, I was overwhelmed with emotion and had a mini pre-quarter life crisis. But this moment in my life was essential for growing and getting to this point where I am today.
Stop and Taste the Roses
I had been on my own for about four months and was asked to host a workshop at Phoenix Fashion Week – my launching pad into the fashion industry – and was so excited! I photographed this outfit with a photographer friend right after my workshop and was so happy and honored to come back to Arizona and talk about my career and blog.
My Ode to Prescott, Arizona
During my first six months of freelancing and working on my own, I feel like I was in a little bit of a fashion and life rut. But after the new year, I really took ahold of my life again and stopped caring as much what people thought of my outfits, dressed for myself and I felt like 2017 was the beginning of a huge change for SAK! Also, I thrifted this “Prescott, AZ” (my hometown) shirt from my favorite thrift store while I was home for Christmas and it’s possibly my favorite shirt ever! I’m able to keep my small cowboy town roots close to my heart while living across the country.