Elephants Are For Good Luck


Happy Monday! I have a busy week ahead of me – I’m visiting The Grand Canyon today, my parents house for a couple days and then San Francisco to help one of my best friends move/road trip back to Arizona. If you have any must-have places to visit or eat at in San Francisco, let me know! Today’s shirt is from Pitaya and I’m in love! My mom has always loved elephants and has several elephants figurines around the house so this reminded me of her and I thought it was perfect for summer matched with slouchy boyfriend jeans and neutral accessories. Well I’m off to the Canyon so this post is short but I’ll make sure to post pics on snapchat @audreekate. xo



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Shirt (c/o Pitaya) | Jeans (Goodwill- DIY distressed) | Boots (c/o AMIClubwear) | Bag (Balielf) | Necklace (Walmart) | Cuff (Rag-o-Rama)

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