Never fear, thrifters/ bargain hunters- yet another clothing swap is happening this weekend! I am extremely excited for this one because there will be food, live music, DIY booths, trunk shows, socializing and the most important aspect- the clothing swap of course!

CO-OPhx and GROWop have teamed up to host this year’s Spring Swap, taking place this Saturday, April 21 at the GROWop Boutique! Read below for all the basic details you will need:

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  • Buy your ticket online and we may have tickets available at the door
  • Bring up to 10 items to Swap, and drop them off durring their Check-In time (you can bring unlimited items to donate!!)
    • Proceeds from donated items will go to CollegeTown
    • Anything can be donated, well almost anything, see details at the ClothingCycle website. It will be re-used, or recycled to make a new material.

  • Enjoy the event, while Swap Team sets up the swap area for boutique style shopping. People can enjoy:
    • Food for sale: Butter & Me Bakery, Kaleidoscope cold pressed juice, Vegan tamales
    • Free food for swappers: Build-you-own Fruit Cup, water, iced tea, kind bars
    • Speakers – 4 speakers, check website for details
    • Live music – Henry Rivera
    • Purchase swap shirts and trendy shirts from Brand X T Shirts
    • DIY Hair Chalking
    • Shop the local boutiques: GROWop, Cellar Door Vintage, Annie Boomer Vintage
    • Pop up bow-tie and neckwear shop
    • Wishing Well community art piece
    • Meeting new people

SWAP Times!

    • There are 4 swaps, 2 at a time. People buy a ticket for a specific Swap Time.
    • (Note: Women’s Swap A, B and C are equal, they just denote a specific time and area , people may ask this)

For the past year, the founders of Co-OPhx have been spreading the joy of second-hand style while helping the community around them. Five swaps and thousands of items donated, the biggest swap yet is planned for this weekend. On Saturday, April 21st from 11am-4pm, the front yards of GROWOp, Annie Boomer Vintage and Cellar Door Vintage will be filled with clothes of participants to swap and experience a day filled with fun interactive booths and meet unique fashion-minded individuals in the area.

The swap isn’t just for trading clothes either- four style tutorials from local boutique owners including Amir from Amir La Voute (remember him from MIM Rocks Fashion?), Ashley Eaton from Merry May Shoppe, Joshua Hahn from GROWOp and Adrian Leisong of Superstition Vintage. These booths will include neckware shops and how to shop vintage. But that’s not it! Make sure to put your  shopping skills to the test and check out the three host stores at the swap.

So don’t forget- go to Spring Swap this weekend (FB event) and come say hi to me!

Learn more on the FB page and make sure to ‘like’ it so you can regularly participate in the upcoming clothing swaps

Will I see you there?

Audree Kate


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