Boyfriend Vest


 I stole this vest from my boyfriend.

Actually… I just found it in the men’s section at a thrift store. But this Calvin Klein vest can be my pretend bf for today, right? I instantly gravitated towards this piece because my current jean vest and jacket are fitted and this oversized vest creates such a cooler vibe. I paired the vest with my winter’s favorite tee, partial leather leggings and these B.A. booties that I found at a local consignment store over five years ago. I have only worn them once but I rediscovered them during the holidays at my parents and knew I had to save room in my suitcase for my new BFF’s.

Also make sure to check out my Valentine’s Giveaway post last today for a smoking cool v-day giveway featuring stuff from Kate Spade,  Victoria Secret and Starbucks.



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Shirt (Ross) | Vest (Calvin Klein – thrift) | Leggings ( H&M) | Booties (Stever Madden – thrift) | Hat (Forever 21) | Cuff ( Charming Charlies)

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