1 Fur, 2 Fur

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I like gaudy things. If you’ve met me or have been following my blog for some time, you’ve probably noticed that my title of “Simply” Audree Kate… does not necessarily mean “simple”. For instance, I love overpowering an outfit with jewelry, I make almost every get- up un-kissable with dark lipstick and my brother loves comparing my outfits to pirates and biker gangs.  Moral of the story is, I’m obsessed with this gaudy fur shawl/vest/sweater I made over the holiday break! After receiving my birthday vest, I was adventuring through my local fabric store for some pieces for an upcoming sewing project and found this two-toned fur fabric. I bought it with the intentions to make it into a more delicate ensemble like a scarf or fitted vest but due to being too lazy to use a pattern and scissor happy, I snipped two arm holes, draped my fur shield over me and wah-lah, I’m never finding a date in this outfit.

I bought this block of fabric, which was about 1.3 yards for $14 (pricier than I typically would have paid, but look at that beauty), and simply just cut two diagonal arm slits starting a couple inches from the top and 1/4 in from the sides. I would made a tutorial but it was so simple and the great thing about this fabric is if you made a mistake, it’s not really noticeable and you can easily hand stitch any mistakes together. Another wonderful thing about this fabric is that I can actually wear it both ways- the inside of the fabric is a great backing and soft, so I took pictures wearing it both ways so you can see!



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Vest (DIY – SAS Fabrics) | Chambray (Walmart) | Leggings (H&M) | Heels (Karma) | Cuff (thrift) |Sunglasses (Dollar Tree) | Necklace (Kendra Scott) | clutch (thrift) | Turquoise ring (Amazon)

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1 Comment

  1. January 21, 2015 / 2:23 pm

    Love the fur coat on you; great style.

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